Martin Skraban_LetterToAStranger1.jpg



back of the postcard.jpg


While visiting the Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens, I explored and digitally documented its environment. I was interested in the relationship between the environment inside and outside of the glass construction, and wanted to portray this mainly through reflections in windows and metal objects. I then created a series of 50 hand-made postcards using the historical argyrotype process. Within this work, a combination of three time lines is to be found here. One representing the place during the old Victorian era, another one representing the current state of the place and eventually, its future. Images appearing on postcards are taken in the PRESENT, postcards are made using HISTORICAL process and the message I want to spread is addressed from the FUTURE. With each postcard, I attempted to reproduce the look of an original one (collected from ebay over a period of few months). An important part was that it had to contain handwritten text as well as serving its purpose, meaning it could be further used as an actual postcard. The handwritten text on the back of each postcard saying “Do you remember the times when Winter Gardens weren’t the only place where you could be surrounded by nature? Devastated to see how far we’ve come as human beings.” is presented as if it is sent from the future and is a commentary on what the future could look like if we don’t take action and some responsibility. In a hundred years time, will these protective glass-made environments really be the last places where we can see living plants and flora in general?


Instagram account @LETTER_TO_A_STRANGER documents the process of the work being made from initial thoughts to final realisation.